New: Career Skills Workshop & Job Search Boot Camp
Jump-start your job search in 2024 - for current & new clients
🆕 Career Skills Workshop & Job Search Boot Camp - December 2023
Who is this for?
I’m now enrolling for a virtual career skills workshop and boot camp, specifically for people who are looking to get un-stuck in their job search.
Please share this post with anyone who is looking for a job and could use some help.
Current weekly coaching clients: This means committing some extra time to preparing for your 2024 search, going farther than we do in our bi-weekly 1:1 sessions. This program is additive to the work we’ve already done together.
New clients: This is an easy way to get started with 1:1 coaching. Working with a coach gives you the structure and motivation to get your stuff together. A group session with a team of your peers provides feedback and a deep-dive on your career skills.
Current clients will recognize some familiar topics, but there will be no duplication of our work together.
The program consists of two one-on-one sessions, plus a group session, plus ongoing collaboration with my and my community of clients and alumni through Slack — for as long as your search lasts.
In our initial 1:1 Zoom session, we’ll review & discuss your career goals and map out a strategy for your job search in 2024.
Between our first session and the group session, I’ll do a detailed pass on your resume and LinkedIn profile, getting it as close to perfect as possible based on our initial call.
A group 2.5 hour Zoom session on Tues Dec 12 at 1:30pm Eastern (10:30am Pacific). We’ll share our work with each other, gather feedback, and propose revisions. I’ll also give a lecture covering the specific skills above.
After the group session I’ll write a custom search plan for you that defines a precise weekly program for your job search. You’ll enter 2024 knowing exactly what you need to do every week.
In a second 1:1 session, we’ll make some final revisions to your resume, profile, and your weekly plan. We’ll hone your pitch and refine your interview skills so they’re ready when you need them.
The 50-minute 1:1 private Zoom sessions will be scheduled at you convenience - once before the session, and one after. You can choose to schedule the second one in early January in order to get your 2024 search off on the right foot, or hold it in reserve to use any time in 2024 — like just before your first interview.
Why it Works
One of the most annoying things about looking for a job is all the conflicting advice on how to go about it.
My approach is based on 30+ years of experience, hiring hundreds of people, and coaching hundreds more. The core insight of my approach is that if you hate the work of looking for a job, you’re unlikely to be successful at it. My techniques flow from the idea that the best way to look for a job is the way that keeps you working at it. The only way to fail is to quit.
Together, we will say goodbye to the soul-sucking process of applying for hundreds of jobs for week, and being ghosted hundreds of times. Instead, we’ll build an individualized laser-focused strategy to finding roles that fit you perfectly.
There is a way to do job applications, cover letters, and even “networking” that doesn’t feel awful. When you’re focused and productive, your search is less exhausting. This will keep you in it until you win it.
What’s Included
Each client enrolled in this workshop will participate in:
Two 50-minute one-on-one coaching sessions scheduled at your convenience
A single 2.5 hour group session with the cohort of other clients
I’ll revise/edit/rewrite your resume as needed after our first session, before our group meeting. I’ll also edit your LinkedIn profile Headline and About and provide you with revisions for the other sections
You’ll have access to me and my community of hundreds of clients and expert friends via Slack for as long as your search lasts
You’ll make crucial decisions that simplify and focus your job search and help you start the new year with your intention set to achieve your goals
Signing Up
Enrollment will be limited. I’m reserving spaces for a few clients, and registration could close at any time, so please reserve a spot now if you’d like to attend. The fee is $1290.
The following discounts are available:
A 50% discount is available to any current weekly coaching subscriber (use code (REG50) - this extra time working together will give you even more focus and accelerate your work in 2024
A 15% discount is offered to alumni of the NYU Stern ITP program (use code ITP20)
A 10% discount is offered to all newsletter subscribers (use code NEW10)
Why Now?
Because you’re looking for a new role, trying to level up, make a career change, or return from a career break. Right now is the time to get your shit together.
The job market in 2024 is not what it was in 2022. Hiring has slowed, expectations have risen, and hiring mangers are looking for a unicorn-like perfect fit from candidates.
These challenges worsen as the job market chills around the end of the year. But even in a difficult economy, hiring is certain to pick up in the beginning of the new year. That’s when budgets are topped up and managers are energized into making decisions about how they’ll achieve their goals for the year.
Seize this last month of 2023 to get yourself ready to launch in 2024.