When reading resumes, how do I evaluate a gap between jobs?
I don’t evaluate them. I don’t even see them. Because they don’t exist.
I think it’s mildly insulting for employers to ask for an explanation of time between jobs. It’s like asking “Why are you not standing up straight?” while punching them in the stomach.
And it takes some nerve for an employer to ask why a job search took a while. Like it’s not THEIR fault! Have they even tried to apply for one of their own jobs? Have they made it nearly impossible with broken web forms and sentient CAPTCHAs? Maybe they should explain the 6-month gap between employees!
I have never asked a candidate to explain what they were doing during a career gap, because I already know.
They were doing whatever was going on in their lives at that time, which is none of my damn business.
Whatever they did while they weren’t fully consumed with climbing this crazy ladder, it was probably awesome.
If it’s something they don’t want you to know about, they’re not going to tell you just because you asked.
We don’t need to know. Let’s stick to work history. That should be enough.